Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 30

How far along: 30 Weeks

Baby's size: A large Cabbage

  Sleep: Not bad. Going back to work has made me very sleepy in the evenings so I have been able to sleep well at night and through to morning.

Food cravings: Cheerios with almond milk. Vitamix fruit smoothies.

Symptoms I have: Back pain. Mostly when I sit in the car on the way too and from work. I feel much better when I can move around and stretch.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. Looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again and getting to know what the estimate of his size is.

Movement: I have been really loving the feeling the movement and kicks, although they are getting quite strong and sometimes stop me in my tracks.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: The routine of going back to work and having a consistent schedule to keep my mind off of the pregnancy a bit.

What I miss: Running after work to relieve stress. But not much. I am still very thankful that I'm feeling so great.

Other: We are getting very close to having the perfect name picked out. I'm pretty sure we will keep it a secret between the two of us as long as we can. I think it will be fun to announce when our baby is born.