Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 33

How far along: 33 Weeks (Good News. Our real camera should be back next week.)

Baby's size: A Cantaloupe

  Sleep: Sleeping like a baby. It is so nice. I'm savoring every moment while I can.

Food cravings: I'm back on a sweets kick. Still really enjoying a morning smoothie and sneaking in some kale.

Symptoms I have: Backaches while driving and sitting still. I've also had these strange foot cramps that are really intense but tend to go away if I stretch my feet. I think its the adjustment from being at work on my feet all day.

Doctor’s Appointment: Nothing until October 15th

Movement: I'm getting really comfortable with the baby's routine. Every morning when I wake up, he wakes up too and does some exercising.

Gender: Let's hear it for the boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Going to the coast this weekend for a Bachelorette party! Woo Hoo!

What I miss: Bending over to pick things up and tie my shoes.