Friday, September 21, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 32

How far along: 32 Weeks (Another blurry iPhone picture. Camera still getting repaired.)

Baby's size: A Squash 2.5 - 4 pounds!

  Sleep: I'm sleeping really well. Occasionally I wake up around four am to a wild bunch of punches and kicks but then fall back to sleep easily. I've been having some really fun vivid dreams that usually involve going on vacation with my friend Korinn.

Food cravings: Tomatoes. My dad gave us a huge box from his garden and I ate them all in one week.

Symptoms I have: Nothing negative to report this week. I've decide I love being pregnant.

Doctor’s Appointment: We had an un-eventful appointment on Monday. They took blood pressure, listened to heartbeat and checked my size. All normal and healthy. Now My appointments will be every two weeks.

Movement: It's been fun to watch my belly moving around. I'll try to capture some of the moves on video.

Gender: Boy Boy Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: My Friends are throwing an 80's baby shower in Portland. I am so excited! I've already picked out my 80's maternity outfit.

What I miss: Zumba Class - SUSHI!

Other: My mom's friends threw a really sweet book baby shower for me last weekend. We are so lucky to have so many books on hand to read to our little babe. We already put them on the bookshelves and the nursery is nearly complete.