Friday, August 31, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 29

How far along: 29 Weeks

Baby's size: Acorn Squash. Hmmmmm.... is fall in the air?

  Sleep: OK, I think I'm starting to feel a little anxiety about going back to work. I've had an icrediblly productive summer so far but have been back to my classroom to set up and reality has set in. I have a lot to do to get ready for the year and sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about it.

Food cravings: I caved and had sushi. Luckily there is a sushi restaurant in Portland that caters to pregnant women and makes sure the fish is farmed and safe. It. was. Heaven!

Symptoms I have: Nothing much to report. I get pretty winded when I exercise. I guess you could call that a symptom.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. We will be seeing a new doctor since my last midwife will be having a baby the same week as me. I'm excited to meet a new doctor and like the idea of meeting with several different people with different perspectives.

Movement: It's been fun to actually figure out which body part you can feel. Sometimes I think I feel a foot or knee, and sometimes a little bum.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery completely finished this weekend so I can go back to work knowing we at least have that part finished. I'm also looking forward to setting up our new Bob Jogging stroller. My relatives surprised us with it last weekend at a family reunion. We were planning on finding a used bob on craigslist, but to our surprise we have a new one. I'm really looking forward to getting back into running as soon as possible. I hope the baby likes to jog!

What I miss: I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss drinking beer during football games this fall. The first Oregon game is this weekend and I usually enjoy a beer or two so I don't get overly nervous about the score.

Other: I've made it an entire week without getting emotional about every little thing. Maybe I'm learning to control my wacky hormones. Also... Isn't the shirt in this photo adorable! Kerry found it for me at goodwill and suggested it for a maternity top. I love a thrifty gal!