Thursday, September 24, 2015

Theo's Thoughts :: Week 9

 This week has been so much easier. I'm feeling like our night routine is settled for the time being. Things can change so quickly so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. Theo goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps for SIX HOURS! This is pretty awesome considering Anton woke up every three hours for about 7 months. After the six hour stretch he would happily sleep until 6:30 or 7:00 but we have to get ready for the daycare drop off so I end up waking him a bit earlier. Theo still has a fussy time between 5:30 and bedtime, but were learning how to sooth him through it. I think he might just need to be put to sleep a bit earlier. It's the time of night where we have living room dance parties or pillow jumping sessions to let of steam, so I think it's a bit overwhelming for him.

We have his two month checkup on Friday. I'm thinking he weighs close to 15 pounds already! This means the eating part of his life is going well, however, my back is starting to ache from carrying this big guy around. What gives:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Theo's Thoughts :: Week 8

 The smiles have arrived! Thank goodness. Theo smiles with his entire face. It starts with his wrinkled up nose and then he uses every other face muscle. He's also started cooing and trying to make sounds. He still has a fussy phase every evening from about 6-8 but has been sleeping 5+ hour stretches at night and is fairly easy to nap during the day. I'm starting to track his sleeping to look for patterns. Most of his sleeping patterns revolve around driving big brother to and from preschool. So far we have been loving our days off together. It has been really nice to actually look Theo in the eyes and get to know his little personality while Anton is at preschool getting the social attention he deserves. Things are looking up in baby land. It's such a tender time. Babies are so sweet and cuddly but their cries are so alarming too. I have been much more relaxed this time around, but I'd be lying if I said it was all fun and games. I'm pretty sure Theo is going to drop the fussing soon - I believe with both boys, it took a little time to get their digestive system in gear. Those little tummy's can be very sensitive.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Theo's Thoughts :: Week 3

Since I'm so behind on these posts I'm going with a picture only approach.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Theo's Thoughts :: Week 2

Yep. Sometimes he cries.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Theo's Thoughts :: Week 1

Here we go again. It's time to start Theo's weekly updates. I'm a little behind with writing the captions... second child problems... but I've got the photos all saved and I'm going to try to catch up this week. I love looking back on all of the weekly posts I did about Anton and I even made a really cool photo album out of all the photos.
 New Favorites: Theo is the sleepiest newborn baby. Such a dream. The weather has been really hot which is mamas favorite. Theo spends most of the day sleeping in his little bed and sleeps really well at night too. It has made the transition to having two kids really smooth so far.
Eating: Nursing came much easier this time. It was still tricky in the hospital and we had to teach each other how to do it. I feel so much more relaxed and confident with nursing this time around. What a relief. Right now I just feed him on demand and at night he has been more interested in sleeping so I've had to wake him up a bit, but overall it's working out.
Sleeping: All. The. Time. Almost to the point where I am a bit worried. But then again, I think I should enjoy it because pretty soon he will be needing much more attention I'm sure.
Milestones: Not much yet... coming home?
Mom and Dad: Loving all of the help from grandmas. It makes everything seem a little less stressful to know that Anton is entertained by another grown up most of the time. 
Activities: Most of the activities involve Anton and the grandmas. Bowling, swimming in the river, you name it. Whatever keeps him entertained. Theo and I are usually at home cuddling and resting. Luckily Anton has been a champion napper and Theo has been napping at the same time as him.