Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bumpdates :: Round One

Ivalle and I have started taking a weekly bump shot. Well actually it's hard to organize an official photo shoot so usually its me in front of the mirror. I just posted the last 4 updates so we are now up to date.
Somehow we missed week 15. Things are starting to move very quickly. We are so excited!

Bumpdate :: 16 Weeks

How far along: 16 Weeks 

Baby's size: Avocado - 4.6 inches long

  Sleep: I've started waking up around 2 or 3 a.m. and having trouble going back to sleep. 

Food cravings: Pineapple, lemonade, bananas.

Food aversions: None 

Symptoms I have: Some very minor pains in my lower abdomen, I'm thinking its round ligament stretching.

Doctor’s Appointment: June 21st

Movement: YES! It felt like a fish was swimming around in there last weekend. I just feel little movements here and there. Nothing consistent yet.

Gender: We planned our gender reveal party, looking forward to finding out on June 25th.

What I’m looking forward to: Feeling more kicks and movements.

What I miss: Sushi and martinis.

Bumpdate :: Week 14

How far along: 14 Weeks 

Baby's size: Lemon - 3.4 inches long

  Sleep: Pretty great. Some allergy problems, nothing new this time of year.

Food cravings: Popsicles (must be the warm weather:)

Food aversions: Bacon... crazy I know.

Symptoms I have: Some headaches every once in a while.

Doctor’s Appointment: Not for a while 

Movement: not yet 

Gender: Who Knows? 

What I’m looking forward to: Looking pregnant, not just like I have a beer belly.

What I miss: Drinking extra coffee when I'm trying to get a lot of grading done at work.

Bumpdate :: Week 13

How far along: 13 Weeks 

Baby's size: Peach - 2.9 inches long

  Sleep: Much better this week

Food cravings: 
Fresh fruit. Pineapple, oranges, strawberries, salad, fresh crab.

Food aversions: None 

Symptoms I have: 
Not much, I'm feeling pretty great now that I'm in the second trimester..Yay!

Doctor’s Appointment: 
Meeting with midwife next week 

not yet
Gender: Who Knows? 

What I’m looking forward to: 
Meeting the midwife.

What I miss: Running until I'm hot and sweaty. Now I just walk briskly. Next week I'm going to start swimming laps.

Bumpdate :: Week 12

How far along: 12 Weeks 

Baby's size: Plum - 2 inches long

  Sleep: Sleeping is fine except for going to the bathroom 3 times a night. 

Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls?? This is strange for someone who usually doesn't like sweets. 

Food aversions: None 

Symptoms I have: Nausea if I don't feel full, exhaustion, crankiness, my husband is a champion for 
dealing with me. 

Doctor’s Appointment: Ultrasound for screening soon 

Movement: not yet Gender: Who Knows? 

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing the baby on the ultrasound screen 

What I miss: Sushi, cocktails....... mostly sushi!