Friday, May 25, 2012

Big news :: Baby!

Thats right! The first little Noel is on the way. My first trimester of pregnancy already over. The baby is expected mid-November. It was really difficult to keep such an exciting secret. I really wanted to let people know what we were so excited about but I also felt like we needed some time to let it sink in. I had some unexpected symptoms during the first couple of months. I was really sick and crampy and pretty much didn't want to leave the couch. Thank goodness for spring break. I think I must have slept about 6 hours a day and gone through about 10 crates of clementines. We've been able to see the baby on ultrasound pics twice which was a complete joy. I can't believe how much you can see it move, kick and twist. We are looking forward to finding out the gender at the end of June. I'm hoping to post some updates so family can stay informed about the progress. Until then, here is the first photo of our little Noel!