Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anton's Updates :: Week 31

Today is our first day of summer vacation. Unfortunately its a bit drizzly outside and we all woke up with stuffy noses - go figure. We're taking it easy today and getting packed up for a trip to Medford to see the Grands. It's also going to be Daddy's big 30th birthday this weekend.
New Favorites: Balls! This kid loves em. He just sits there all alone on the floor with a pile of plastic brightly colored balls giggling his chubby little cheeks off. It's really a nice activity to keep him occupied as I get some chores done. Every so often one of his beloved balls gets away from him and he goes crashing to the floor out of his seated position as he attempts to catch it. He really wails when he tips over, his daycare teacher says she thinks he has a low threshold for pain. Hopefully this will change if we want him to be an NBA star.
Eating: Today he is going to try peaches mixed with rice cereal. I've been mainly focusing on veggies, but I thought the boy could use a change.
Sleeping: WE are in the throws of some major sleeping meltdowns. I have a feeling we are about 2 sleep deprived parents away from a full blown baby sleep boot camp. Anton and I are headed to the library today to check out every last sleep related book we can find. Mama needs help in this department. I think this wee one is on a mission to make us crazy. I also think he just needs to learn how to fall asleep on his own. All the rocking, bouncing, and singing has worked like an absolute charm, but a 22 pounder is no walk in the park to bounce in your arms anymore. I've decided once we get back from our quick trip away, we are going to get down to business. This little bundle of joy is going to learn to love his cozy crib.
Milestones: He has been doing this cute little bouncing rocking gesture with his entire body while he sits, stands, or even lies down. It's like his version of the worm. And he's actually sipping from his sippy cup now. 
Mom and Dad: I can't speak for dad, but mamma is really happy to be home for the summer. No more packing up baby gear with eyes half shut each morning. YaHoo!

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