Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 29 Weeks

Yahoo! Summer is right around the corner. Anton is jumping for joy in his jumparoo. Actually he just kind of swings there and gives a lithe hop every once in a while. But I'll take it. He is at such a fun age. He really doesn't know how to move too far but has a lot of fun staying in one place. He also gets the giggles at the littlest things. He is one funny little guy.
New Favorites: He loves balls! Or any round shaped object, like an apple or lemon. He laughs out loud when you roll a ball towards him. He loves to sit at the table and roll apples around on the table.
Eating: We tried a bit of the baby led weaning technique this week where you just set out different finger foods and let them explore. It seemed like kind of a mess so far. I think he is still working on his pincer grasp so he ends up rubbing the food all over the table. We started with little tiny chunks of banana. He didn't hate it, he just had a hard time finding his mouth. I think we will stick with the purees for a bit longer.
Sleeping: Anton came down with another little stuffy nose the other day so we had a couple nights with more than one wake up. I think he woke himself becuase of the stuffyness and had trouble going back to sleep. He seems to have cleared up in the past couple of days so his sleep is much more predictable. Down at 7:00pm, up around 2 or 3 for a quick nurse and back down until we wake for work around 6:00 am.
Milestones: He has outgrown most of his 6 month clothing and has moved on to 9 month and above. I'ts tricky to even buy clothes for him anymore becuase he grows out of them so fast. Right now I would guess its safest to just buy 12-18 month sizes so he can grow into them. I have a feeling he will start to slim out as he starts moving around more. He is still really really tall but has started to look less stout to me. Those chubby cheeks are my fave!
Mom and Dad: Mom is ready to be done with work for a while. Anton used to love the daily commute and lately he cries most of the way home. Maybe he is ready for summer too.

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