Monday, June 3, 2013

Anton's Antics :: 27 Weeks

 Look at this big boy sitting at the table eating with the family! We really don't feed him lemons like the photo below. He likes to play with the fruit from the fruit bowl while I get his food ready. It's amazing how much giggling can come from rolling an apple or lemon around on the table. 
New Favorites: Anton is really loving his new standing legs. He can't stand on his own but as soon as we lift him from a sitting position his little chunky legs straighten up and lock into standing mode. He is so proud of his new position and shows us a big smile.
Eating: He is loving all the food we've been making him. He's had carrots, sweet potato, peas, squash, and beets. So far he scarfs them all down. Sometimes he gets a bit distracted during feedings.
Sleeping: We've had a major breakthrough this week. We were having a rough time last week and decided to put him in his own room at night to sleep. It was kind of a nightmare since he was still waking at least twice and I'm not really ready to do any cry it out. We decided to put off the room transition until school is out and the night we brought him back to our room he slept 10 hours straight. He's had two or three nights since then where he goes down at 7:00 and doesn't even wake up until 5:00 am. This has been really lovely. I'm fine with him sleeping in our room for a bit longer. He's only little once, and we've got the whole summer to work on the sleeping changes. His naps have been great during the day too.
Milestones: He had his 6th month booster shots. He also has been working on some teeth. I was only looking on the bottom for them to show and the other night I noticed his upper gums have some evidence of teething. I'm excited to see where these little fangs pop out first.
Mom and Dad: We are really excited to move into our new house. We are looking forward to finding out a specific move in date.

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