Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anton's Updates :: Week 31

Today is our first day of summer vacation. Unfortunately its a bit drizzly outside and we all woke up with stuffy noses - go figure. We're taking it easy today and getting packed up for a trip to Medford to see the Grands. It's also going to be Daddy's big 30th birthday this weekend.
New Favorites: Balls! This kid loves em. He just sits there all alone on the floor with a pile of plastic brightly colored balls giggling his chubby little cheeks off. It's really a nice activity to keep him occupied as I get some chores done. Every so often one of his beloved balls gets away from him and he goes crashing to the floor out of his seated position as he attempts to catch it. He really wails when he tips over, his daycare teacher says she thinks he has a low threshold for pain. Hopefully this will change if we want him to be an NBA star.
Eating: Today he is going to try peaches mixed with rice cereal. I've been mainly focusing on veggies, but I thought the boy could use a change.
Sleeping: WE are in the throws of some major sleeping meltdowns. I have a feeling we are about 2 sleep deprived parents away from a full blown baby sleep boot camp. Anton and I are headed to the library today to check out every last sleep related book we can find. Mama needs help in this department. I think this wee one is on a mission to make us crazy. I also think he just needs to learn how to fall asleep on his own. All the rocking, bouncing, and singing has worked like an absolute charm, but a 22 pounder is no walk in the park to bounce in your arms anymore. I've decided once we get back from our quick trip away, we are going to get down to business. This little bundle of joy is going to learn to love his cozy crib.
Milestones: He has been doing this cute little bouncing rocking gesture with his entire body while he sits, stands, or even lies down. It's like his version of the worm. And he's actually sipping from his sippy cup now. 
Mom and Dad: I can't speak for dad, but mamma is really happy to be home for the summer. No more packing up baby gear with eyes half shut each morning. YaHoo!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 30 Weeks

This is our smiley guy. At home that is. It turns out he is already experienceing a bit of separation anxiety. Lately he has started to cry when I leave him at daycare. It breaks my heart a bit, but it also makes me happy that he loves me so much. Good thing we only have a couple more days until we have the entire summer together.
New Favorites: Sippy cups. He still hasn't really gotten the hang of it, but he just lights up when I hand him a sippy cup at the end of a meal. He usually pounds it against the table for a while then gnaws on the spout until he realizes there is liquid in there. It's just water, but oh so refreshing.
Eating: I'm still trying out new foods every couple of days. This next batch is going to have some added seasonings. I want to experiment with some more interesting flavors and see what he thinks.
Sleeping: Just when I thought he had the sleeping through the night gig down, he decided to have a big midnight party on father's day eve. This one was a real doozy. He stayed up for about 2 hours playing and practicing his sounds. Eventually we put him back to bed, but we woke up pretty exhausted. He was exhausted too and proved it by taking extra long naps the next day.
Milestones: He's starting to pivot from a seated position to reach for things. He usually ends up tipping over face first, but I'm glad he's giving it a try. I love how stationary he is. I am enjoying this time before he really takes off. I know it wont be long.
Mom and Dad: We finally have a move in date for our new house and I'm ready to do lots of playing and packing this summer.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 29 Weeks

Yahoo! Summer is right around the corner. Anton is jumping for joy in his jumparoo. Actually he just kind of swings there and gives a lithe hop every once in a while. But I'll take it. He is at such a fun age. He really doesn't know how to move too far but has a lot of fun staying in one place. He also gets the giggles at the littlest things. He is one funny little guy.
New Favorites: He loves balls! Or any round shaped object, like an apple or lemon. He laughs out loud when you roll a ball towards him. He loves to sit at the table and roll apples around on the table.
Eating: We tried a bit of the baby led weaning technique this week where you just set out different finger foods and let them explore. It seemed like kind of a mess so far. I think he is still working on his pincer grasp so he ends up rubbing the food all over the table. We started with little tiny chunks of banana. He didn't hate it, he just had a hard time finding his mouth. I think we will stick with the purees for a bit longer.
Sleeping: Anton came down with another little stuffy nose the other day so we had a couple nights with more than one wake up. I think he woke himself becuase of the stuffyness and had trouble going back to sleep. He seems to have cleared up in the past couple of days so his sleep is much more predictable. Down at 7:00pm, up around 2 or 3 for a quick nurse and back down until we wake for work around 6:00 am.
Milestones: He has outgrown most of his 6 month clothing and has moved on to 9 month and above. I'ts tricky to even buy clothes for him anymore becuase he grows out of them so fast. Right now I would guess its safest to just buy 12-18 month sizes so he can grow into them. I have a feeling he will start to slim out as he starts moving around more. He is still really really tall but has started to look less stout to me. Those chubby cheeks are my fave!
Mom and Dad: Mom is ready to be done with work for a while. Anton used to love the daily commute and lately he cries most of the way home. Maybe he is ready for summer too.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Anton's Antics :: 28 Weeks

 Look - Anton is in his crib. We have been trying to give him a little play time or lounge time each day to get him more comfortable in there. We are hoping to make the big transition to his own room once we are officially on summer break. I've got big plans for him this summer. I hope he can keep up with me. I'm hoping to keep him on his twice daily nap schedule and squeeze in an activity in between. I just signed him up for a baby music class since he seems to really enjoy music. I think most of these classes are more for the parents to connect with each other than for the babies to become musicians. We might try a drop in swim class every once in a while too. We'll be busy moving and packing too, so I'm trying not to over do it with the planning.
New Favorites: Anton gets to go on walks at daycare in the big kid hallways. He rides in a 4 seater stroller with the other babies. He used to get a bit fussy during these walks, but his teacher told me he has started to enjoy them. It is really adorable to see them out on a stroll during the day.
Eating: Still loving his meal times. I'm tying a couple new foods on him each week. This weekend I'm going to make a batch of green bean puree and possibly start him on some fruit purees. I've been told it's best to hold off on the fruits for a while or they develop a preference for the sweetness.
Sleeping: Doing our best to keep up with the regular schedule even though it gets a bit hot in our house during the evening hours. We've got a bunch of fans blasting to keep things cool.
Milestones: I cant think of any milestones right now. He's getting pretty good at picking up and rolling balls. 
Mom and Dad: Taking turns sleeping in on the weekends has been a real treat!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Anton's Antics :: 27 Weeks

 Look at this big boy sitting at the table eating with the family! We really don't feed him lemons like the photo below. He likes to play with the fruit from the fruit bowl while I get his food ready. It's amazing how much giggling can come from rolling an apple or lemon around on the table. 
New Favorites: Anton is really loving his new standing legs. He can't stand on his own but as soon as we lift him from a sitting position his little chunky legs straighten up and lock into standing mode. He is so proud of his new position and shows us a big smile.
Eating: He is loving all the food we've been making him. He's had carrots, sweet potato, peas, squash, and beets. So far he scarfs them all down. Sometimes he gets a bit distracted during feedings.
Sleeping: We've had a major breakthrough this week. We were having a rough time last week and decided to put him in his own room at night to sleep. It was kind of a nightmare since he was still waking at least twice and I'm not really ready to do any cry it out. We decided to put off the room transition until school is out and the night we brought him back to our room he slept 10 hours straight. He's had two or three nights since then where he goes down at 7:00 and doesn't even wake up until 5:00 am. This has been really lovely. I'm fine with him sleeping in our room for a bit longer. He's only little once, and we've got the whole summer to work on the sleeping changes. His naps have been great during the day too.
Milestones: He had his 6th month booster shots. He also has been working on some teeth. I was only looking on the bottom for them to show and the other night I noticed his upper gums have some evidence of teething. I'm excited to see where these little fangs pop out first.
Mom and Dad: We are really excited to move into our new house. We are looking forward to finding out a specific move in date.