Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 33

How far along: 33 Weeks (Good News. Our real camera should be back next week.)

Baby's size: A Cantaloupe

  Sleep: Sleeping like a baby. It is so nice. I'm savoring every moment while I can.

Food cravings: I'm back on a sweets kick. Still really enjoying a morning smoothie and sneaking in some kale.

Symptoms I have: Backaches while driving and sitting still. I've also had these strange foot cramps that are really intense but tend to go away if I stretch my feet. I think its the adjustment from being at work on my feet all day.

Doctor’s Appointment: Nothing until October 15th

Movement: I'm getting really comfortable with the baby's routine. Every morning when I wake up, he wakes up too and does some exercising.

Gender: Let's hear it for the boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Going to the coast this weekend for a Bachelorette party! Woo Hoo!

What I miss: Bending over to pick things up and tie my shoes.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Showered :: With Books!

Last weekend my mom's wonderful friends threw me a Book Shower. It was absolutely gorgeous! A beautiful day in the warm, end of summer sun, and good friends and family made it a great celebration. Jeannie's house was an elegant setting and Ivalle even stopped in for a sneak peek while golfing. Jeannie and Collette had the house all set up with a little duck theme. So many cute details. My good friend Tara made some adorable cake truffles in sweet little striped boxes.  This last photo is a very special gift from my mom. These are all books that I had as a kid and they were wrapped up in my favorite baby blanket. Jeannie found a basket to match my nursery colors exactly (shown in the photo above). I'm so thankful the other hostess Collete captured the moment with these pretty pictures. We now have a full library of books in our nursery so we can get our little bookworm started reading early. :) Thanks everyone!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 32

How far along: 32 Weeks (Another blurry iPhone picture. Camera still getting repaired.)

Baby's size: A Squash 2.5 - 4 pounds!

  Sleep: I'm sleeping really well. Occasionally I wake up around four am to a wild bunch of punches and kicks but then fall back to sleep easily. I've been having some really fun vivid dreams that usually involve going on vacation with my friend Korinn.

Food cravings: Tomatoes. My dad gave us a huge box from his garden and I ate them all in one week.

Symptoms I have: Nothing negative to report this week. I've decide I love being pregnant.

Doctor’s Appointment: We had an un-eventful appointment on Monday. They took blood pressure, listened to heartbeat and checked my size. All normal and healthy. Now My appointments will be every two weeks.

Movement: It's been fun to watch my belly moving around. I'll try to capture some of the moves on video.

Gender: Boy Boy Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: My Friends are throwing an 80's baby shower in Portland. I am so excited! I've already picked out my 80's maternity outfit.

What I miss: Zumba Class - SUSHI!

Other: My mom's friends threw a really sweet book baby shower for me last weekend. We are so lucky to have so many books on hand to read to our little babe. We already put them on the bookshelves and the nursery is nearly complete.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 31

How far along: 31 Weeks (yucky picture! Our camera lens had a little mishap this week. It's getting repaired. So till then we have some iPhone replacements)

Baby's size: A Pineapple

  Sleep: I am sleeping like a champ! Can't complain. I'm soaking up sleep while I can. Being back to work makes me tired in the afternoons so I'm glad sleep is working at the moment.

Food cravings: Nothing comes to mind.

Symptoms I have: Back pain is starting to get a bit worse but only when I drive or sit still too long. I also have this weird muscle ache right at the top of my ribs. Almost like my muscles are falling asleep.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. Ready to know what position the baby is in. I'm so curious!

Movement: Baby has been kicking like crazy while I'm teaching. Maybe he is reacting to my loud teacher voice.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: My baby shower in Medford this weekend and seeing friends and family.

What I miss: Cocktails to relax after work :)!

Other: I am still feeling great about dressing the bump. It is fun to see which of my dresses stretch around my belly just right. I feel like most of my body has stayed the same so some things are fitting ok still. It's nice to try to stay in regular clothes if I can. Very thankful for all of the maternity hand me downs I've received too!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 30

How far along: 30 Weeks

Baby's size: A large Cabbage

  Sleep: Not bad. Going back to work has made me very sleepy in the evenings so I have been able to sleep well at night and through to morning.

Food cravings: Cheerios with almond milk. Vitamix fruit smoothies.

Symptoms I have: Back pain. Mostly when I sit in the car on the way too and from work. I feel much better when I can move around and stretch.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. Looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again and getting to know what the estimate of his size is.

Movement: I have been really loving the feeling the movement and kicks, although they are getting quite strong and sometimes stop me in my tracks.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: The routine of going back to work and having a consistent schedule to keep my mind off of the pregnancy a bit.

What I miss: Running after work to relieve stress. But not much. I am still very thankful that I'm feeling so great.

Other: We are getting very close to having the perfect name picked out. I'm pretty sure we will keep it a secret between the two of us as long as we can. I think it will be fun to announce when our baby is born.