Friday, January 11, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 8 Weeks

  New Favorites: Sitting on his boppy lounger pillow in the kitchen to watch us cook. Going to restaurants to take a nap.
Eating: We're taking a break from nursing for a couple days and I am exclusively pumping every two hours around the clock. Sheesh. This mama is tired. We're going to give the nursing another try next week. We try to squeeze in a couple of sessions a day between breastmilk bottles. He is still growing like a weed so I'm confident the food intake is going strong.
Sleeping: His consistent and predictable sleep pattern has gone out the window this week, but it's not horrible. Just unpredictable. We've been trying to do "dream feeds". We wake him up and feed him while he's sleeping rather than wait for him to wake us. It's been nice because when he wakes up too hungry he is really frustrated and has trouble going back to sleep.
Milestones: HE ROLLED OVER! No joke. We were doing tummy time and he rolled from his tummy to back all by himself. I think its because gravity pulled his big head over. But it was a true roll, nonetheless. Watch out world. This wasn't supposed to happen for a couple more months. Maybe it was a fluke? We can try again today.
Mom and Dad: Mom is tired from all the pumping. Feeling good about losing the baby weight though. Only about 8 more pounds to go. I'm constantly bouncing, walking, and lifting this child so I'm pretty sure the weight loss is due to the new mom activities. We've decided women are wired to run on less sleep than men. Ivalle is a great help at night but pays for it during the day. Anton is completely enamored with his papa and stares at him in the evenings when he gets home.
Activities: Mama had her first true night out without Anton. I went to ladies night with some friends and cried my eyes out all the way there. It was only a few blocks away, but I was emotional about being away from Anton for more than an hour. Hormones! Everything was great when I returned and I think a little daddy time was in order anyway.

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