Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 10 weeks

  New Favorites: Smiles, little baby chuckles, watching dads silly dance moves.
Eating:Been pretty normal. I'm trying to feed him with a bottle at least once a day to keep him used to it. Ivalle wanted to give formula a shot so we whipped up a bottle the other night. Anton wanted nothing to do with it. Looks like its all breast milk for now. I'm getting a nice little freezer stash.
Sleeping: We had a six hour stretch last night! Woo Hoo. I think we were letting his late afternoon naps get a bit long and he was way too rested to make it through the night. After a couple nights of him waking every 2 hours we've extended his bedtime to 8:30 or 9 and kept day napping short. I was getting really frustrated with his short day naps, but have decided to just let it simmer. Everything changes weekly right now anyway.
Milestones: Lets see.... he cries less in the carseat. I've been really enjoying his sweet little smiles and coo's. Not much more to report. He's started drooling, but I'm not sure it's a milestone.
Mom and Dad: We bought a new car! A 2011 Subaru Outback to replace the old one. Hooray for a cozy car for our long commute when I go back to work.
Activities: We've been trying to get out for walks on sunny days. We also tried out book babies at the library. Anton was by far the youngest but he seemed to really enjoy the songs and activities. There is a part at the end where the babies get to crawl around and play with toys, Anton just laid there  like a lump smiling from ear to ear. I guess that's what you do when you are 10 weeks old.

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