How far along: 39 weeks. Getting so close!
Baby's size: Bigger Watermelon? It seems they are running out of fruits and veggies to compare this baby to. Maybe it's time we just say its as big as a baby ready to be born.
Sleep: Sleep has been great. I feel so lucky!
Food cravings: I had a co-worker tell me Chinese food put his wife into labor so Ivalle and I tried it out. We went to a really silly american stye Chinese food place near our house on a whim. Eeek, how did I ever like that stuff. We just had a couple of bites and called it a night.
Symptoms I have: Not much really. Excitement, nesting at work and at home. Some soreness in my feet from standing and walking all day. I don't think these wimpy flat feet are used to carrying this much weight around.
Doctor’s Appointment: My last appointment went well but the doctors were being very vague about when the baby will be here. It turns out, we have no idea. It's funny how you can try to plan so many things in life, but this is just not one of them. I think it's just more prep for the flexibility we will have to develop when we are parents.
I do have some non stress tests scheduled. A non stress test is just a way to monitor the baby's heart beat and check fluid levels to see if an induction is recommended. I still have about 8 days to my due date so things could happen at any time. I hear the first one is typically late.
Movement: Lots of movement in the evenings. It is hilarious to watch!
Gender: Snips and snails and puppy dog tails!
What I’m looking forward to: Dressing the baby in all of the adorable teeny tiny clothes we've been receiving as gifts and hand- me- downs. I've been sorting and re-sorting every nook and cranny of the nursery lately. I just love to look at those little tiny hats, socks, and onesies.
What I miss: A warm winter cocktail. I'm looking forward to figuring out this whole pump and dump situation with breastfeeding so I can enjoy a nice cocktail or two during the holiday season. :) Oh, and wearing my wedding ring again. I took it off because I hear your fingers can swell at the end. It was still fitting but I didn't want to take any chances.