New Favorites: Sleeping, Cooing, Eating
Eating: Anton eats every 2-3 hours. Breastfeeding is no joke. I was a little bit unprepeared for around the clock feedings. I'm getting used to it and enjoying our time together. He is gaining weight and loves to eat, so I suppose its working. And awfully handy too!
Sleeping: Anton sleeps ALOT! it is really sweet and these pictures capture what he looks like most of the day. Sometimes its tempting to wake him up just to snuggle and see his wide curious eyes. But then, quiet time is nice and I've been told to savor it while I can.
Milestones: He lost his umbilical cord stump this week. Thank goodness because it was getting smelly and not pleasant to look at either. He also had his first bath and first walk in the stroller this week.
Mom and Dad: We are getting used to the routine and actually having some downtime at home. Ivalle has been amazing at his diapering role. He has also mastered the swaddle. I have been pampered with all kinds of meals and he has been waiting on me hand and foot. As for me, I've had to really lay low to heal from my "stitch-uation". It is hard for me to sit still so I've found it very challenging. Ivalle goes back to work next week so I'll be practicing my diapering and swaddling skills as he coaches me.
Activities: Sleeping, walking in the stroller, snuggling. Going on an outing to thanksgiving at grandparents, dr. appointments.