Friday, November 30, 2012

Bumpdate :: The Beginning

I was going to title this "the end" of the bumpdates but "the beginning" make so much more sense. We are in a experiencing a new world because of Anton. Getting more comfortable every day. He keeps us on our toes and we will forever be learning from him. Now is the perfect time to admit how much I loved being pregnant. I kept waiting for it to change. I heard many people complain about this or that. I really never had much to complain about. I was really lucky to have had such a lovely experience. I'm also glad I documented each week with these photos. What an amazing transformation. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Birth-Day Party

One of my favorite memories of Anton's birth was the time spent getting to know him in the hospital while friends and family came to see him for the first time. We were completely blissed out in these photos and i'm so glad my friend Lucy was able to capture the moment!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 1 Week

 New Favorites: Sleeping, Cooing, Eating
Eating: Anton eats every 2-3 hours. Breastfeeding is no joke. I was a little bit unprepeared for around the clock feedings. I'm getting used to it and enjoying our time together. He is gaining weight and loves to eat, so I suppose its working. And awfully handy too!
Sleeping: Anton sleeps ALOT! it is really sweet and these pictures capture what he looks like most of the day. Sometimes its tempting to wake him up just to snuggle and see his wide curious eyes. But then, quiet time is nice and I've been told to savor it while I can.
Milestones: He lost his umbilical cord stump this week. Thank goodness because it was getting smelly and not pleasant to look at either. He also had his first bath and first walk in the stroller this week.
Mom and Dad: We are getting used to the routine and actually having some downtime at home. Ivalle has been amazing at his diapering role. He has also mastered the swaddle. I have been pampered with all kinds of meals and he has been waiting on me hand and foot. As for me, I've had to really lay low to heal from my "stitch-uation". It is hard for me to sit still so I've found it very challenging. Ivalle goes back to work next week so I'll be practicing my diapering and swaddling skills as he coaches me.
Activities: Sleeping, walking in the stroller, snuggling. Going on an outing to thanksgiving at grandparents, dr. appointments.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Anton's Antics :: First Bath

Anton did not like his first bath one bit! Hopefully he'll warm up to the idea soon.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Turkey Time :: Anton's First Thanksgiving

We had a very happy thanksgiving this year with plenty to be thankful for. My parents have been staying at an apartment in our neighborhood since Anton was born last week. They have been really helpful with preparing meals, running errands, and keeping us entertained during our first weeks as a new family of three. Our first outing with Anton was a thanksgiving feast hosted by my parents a couple blocks away. Ivalle and Anton were  even able to walk over in the stroller. I opted for the drive since I'm still healing from my "stitch-uation". The feast was cooked to perfection and it felt very cozy to be able to be spending time with family somewhere besides our house which we haven't really left in over a week. Anton was a really good boy and used his best manners while visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Except for a need to feed during course number one. I'll take it! Not bad for a baby on his one week birthday!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Anton :: Snuggly Cuteness

I could stare at him, staring at me, all day long!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anton's Birth Story

November 15th was an amazing day, for many reasons. My beautiful superstar son Anton was born and also it was a sunny day in Portland in November which is really rare. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I self proclaimed my due date as November 15th even though the doctor said it was the 16th. Not a huge deal, but I'm really proud of my son for following his mamas directions and making his way into the world when she had asked him to.

I'm going to try to jot down this story with as many details as I can remember. It was such a special day and there are so many things that I don't want to forget. The night before labor started I had been checked by my midwife and been given the standard, "who knows it could be tomorrow or it could be two weeks" routine. She did say his head was very low and engaged which was promising. That night I went on a brisk walk with my neighbor Tina and decided I would try to keep moving and stay active to help baby boy into natural labor. I think I even told her I had a feeling it would happen very soon.

The very next morning, I woke and had some mild cramping like menstrual cramps. I just had a feeling that it was going to get rolling soon. I told Ivalle to wrap things up at work because I thought his son was on his way. I decided to go to work that morning and wrap some things up also. Upon arriving at my classroom the cramps had gotten worse, but I still wasn't sure this was real or false labor. I worked on sub plans as my students started to roll into the classroom. Right as this was happening the cramps became more like pains that I decided would be a little tricky to teach through and being at home would be the best bet. It was fun to have a chance to say goodbye to my students and for them to wish me luck. So I called my sub and headed back toward Portland.

I had remebered people telling me to keep moving during early labor so it doesn't subside or decrease. So I did what any woman in early labor would do.....Shopping spree. I decided to hit up a couple of stores on my way home and keep moving around. The shopping also helped relax me and keep my mind off of all the excitement I was anticipating. I even had a funny conversation at the Old Navy check out counter. The woman said, "how are you going to spend the rest of this sunny day?"  "I'm think I'm going to have a baby" I replied.

I made some phone calls to parents and close friends and headed home to do some final nesting.The pains had definitely turned into contractions but weren't quite regular enough to time yet. At about noon, the contractions got serious. I called Ivalle and told him it was time for him to come home and coach me. He was so calm and amazing, and I don't think I could have done it without him. He was timing me on an Iphone app which made it really easy to see the patterns. I used every single technique I could to deal with the pain. Breathing, positions, visualization, music, you name it.

I had really been managing well and proud of my efforts but there came a point when I wanted to think about pain intervention so I could save energy for the pushing and delivery part and not feel so exhausted at the end. It was really intense and difficult to breath through after a couple of hours. Once I started throwing up from the pain, I decided an epidural was in my future. I had never had my mind set one way or the other, but decided I wanted to go with the epidural since my labor seemed to be progressing regularly and it seemed like the right thing to do. I never felt like I had to go drug free and be a hero. I just wanted to get the show on the road.

We called the hospital at 3:00 and reported our data. They said it sounded like I was in active labor and my contractions were starting to get closer together. We hopped in the car and had a treacherous ride which made 10 minutes seem like 2 hours. We must have hit every yellow light and stopped for pedestrians that seemed to be coming out of nowhere. We finally made it and I was sent to triage to see what our timing looked like. I was really happy when they put the monitor on me and verified that I was indeed having contractions very close together and was already 3.5 centimeters dilated and fully effaced. The doctor asked me if I wanted to continue laboring naturally or get the epidural. I have never answered a question faster. Epidural please!

We checked into a labor room with a pretty spectacular view for a sunny day in Porltand. The nursing staff was super friendly and comforting. The epidural was placed and it was really not a scary experience at all, like I had imagined. Once the epidural was placed, it was smooth sailing for the next 10 hours or so. We listened to some jazz, Ivalle had some indian food, and I watched HGTV. We made some phone calls to friends and family and my parents came by for a half hour or so. We were able to see each contraction on the monitor and also see the baby's heart rate. I loved watching and knowing baby was fine and my labor wasn't slowing or stalling out. At around 8 pm I was checked and was at 5 centimeters. While I was getting checked my water broke and the doctor said there was a trace of meconium. This kind of freaked me out but the doctors and nurses did a good job of calming us down about it.

Labor continued and by midnight I was fully dilated. I was so nervous and excited at this point I began to shake like crazy. Ivalle was really helpful and made sure I was clam and prepared. I felt so much love and support in the room and just felt peaceful and curious. The labor nurse suggested I wait a while to use gravity to help the baby progress down the birth canal naturally. I was really surprised at how much movement I had with the epidural. I could move my legs and prop myself up in a semi-squatting position. About and hour later the doctor said it was time to push. Pushing took all of my might, but I was very focused and felt like I had a mission to accomplish.

I pushed for about 2 hours. A special team had to come in for the delivery because of the meconium situation so I really felt like I had an audience. They were all cheering for me as I continued to push. I finally made one last final effort and Ivalle was nearly jumping out of his seat with excitement. When Anton finally came out they had to  do some quick work because the cord was wrapped around his neck and he also had his hand on his cheek. It was like he wanted to high five someone or send a fist pump to the world on the way out. The only problem was the extra body part along with his head made for a extra bulk if you know what I mean. Some extra bulk means extra recovery time for mom.

Anton arrived with one little screechy cry which was a huge relief. After that, however, was my least favorite part. The baby nurse and pediatrician had to pump his tiny little tummy to clear any meconium and also clear his lungs. He was crying and healthy in just a couple of minutes and I was busy having some work done as well. I never realized what has to happen at the end of childbirth. Those nurses and doctors were working their buns off. The afterbirth and finishing touches were really detailed.

Finally the moment I had been waiting for. The doctors put Anton on my chest and we just shared the most wonderful moment together. His eyes were wide open and he felt so strong. He practically did a pushup to turn his head and look into my eyes. I feel like he was such a star. Babies work really hard during labor and delivery too and I was just so proud of him. Ivalle was also a super star. He was very calm and focused and always made sure I was as comfortable as possible. I feel really lucky to have these two men in my life and our story together is just beginning!

And that is the story of Anton Francis Noel's arrival to our world. We love him to peices!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bumpdate :: 40 weeks!!

How far along: I actually shot this photo while I was in Labor. It's a little blurry which makes sense under the circumstances. Anton was born about 15 hours later.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bumpdate :: 39.5 Weeks

How far along: 39.5 weeks. I don't usually post twice a week but this could be one of the last bumpdates, so I thought I'd throw it in.

Baby's size: Just right. I have to say, I don't feel horribly huge, or uncomfortable. I just feel like a mom. With a cozy healthy baby inside me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for a due date delivery. If I were feeling miserable I'm sure it would be a different story.

  Sleep: Sleeping is fine. I wake up at least every two hours but I feel like its training me for the real deal.

Food cravings: Small amounts of warm delicious comfort foods.

Symptoms I have: At this point I need a little push to get out of the car or up from the couch, but I wouldn't call that a symptom.

Doctor’s Appointment: We have an appointment on Tuesday to be checked. I have to admit, we had our first little middle of the night scare last Thursday. Everything turned out to be perfectly fine, and we got to do a trial run to visit the labor and delivery wing of the hospital while we were at it. I woke up in the middle of the night and wasn't feeling any movement from the baby. I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry and called the advice  nurse. They had us come in for some monitoring and an ultrasound at about 1 AM. Wouldn't you know it. Baby boy started kicking up a storm as soon as we rolled into the hospital parking lot. What a little jokester. We left with a healthy report and were able to get a good nights sleep!

Movement: Movement is changing daily as he runs out of room. But still pretty active during certain parts of the day and night.

Gender: Boys will be boys.

What I’m looking forward to: Having family visit. It is going to be so fun to have both grandmas and grandpas in town for a while. :)

What I miss: Being more physically active. I have really been trying to walk each day, but just a couple of blocks and I'm spent.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Daddy Baby Shower :: Surprise!

Ivalle's sweet co-workers threw him a surprise baby shower yesterday. Here is his reaction:)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bumpdate :: 39 Weeks

How far along: 39 weeks. Getting so close!

Baby's size: Bigger Watermelon? It seems they are running out of fruits and veggies to compare this baby to. Maybe it's time we just say its as big as a baby ready to be born.

  Sleep: Sleep has been great. I feel so lucky!

Food cravings: I had a co-worker tell me Chinese food put his wife into labor so Ivalle and I tried it out. We went to a really silly american stye Chinese food place near our house on a whim. Eeek, how did I ever like that stuff. We just had a couple of bites and called it a night. 

Symptoms I have: Not much really. Excitement, nesting at work and at home. Some soreness in my feet from standing and walking all day. I don't think these wimpy flat feet are used to carrying this much weight around.

Doctor’s Appointment: My last appointment went well but the doctors were being very vague about when the baby will be here. It turns out, we have no idea. It's funny how you can try to plan so many things in life, but this is just not one of them. I think it's just more prep for the flexibility we will have to develop when we are parents.
I do have some non stress tests scheduled. A non stress test is just a way to monitor the baby's heart beat and check fluid levels to see if an induction is recommended. I still have about 8 days to my due date so things could happen at any time. I hear the first one is typically late. 

Movement: Lots of movement in the evenings. It is hilarious to watch!

Gender: Snips and snails and puppy dog tails!

What I’m looking forward to: Dressing the baby in all of the adorable teeny tiny clothes we've been receiving as gifts and hand- me- downs. I've been sorting and re-sorting every nook and cranny of the nursery lately. I just love to look at those little tiny hats, socks, and onesies.

What I miss: A warm winter cocktail. I'm looking forward to figuring out this whole pump and dump situation with breastfeeding so I can enjoy a nice cocktail or two during the holiday season. :) Oh, and wearing my wedding ring again. I took it off because I hear your fingers can swell at the end. It was still fitting but I didn't want to take any chances.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 38

How far along: 38 weeks. These weeks are going by so fast!

Baby's size: Pumpkin! What perfect timing. 

  Sleep: I'm pretty exhausted so sleep is really working for me right now. I also think the baby has dropped and any heartburn or breathing struggles are relieved quite a bit.

Food cravings: Halloween Candy......ugghh. I couldn't stop this week. The candy corn was outta control. 

Symptoms I have: Sore back. Strange feelings in my hips and leg muscles. I'm thinking things are starting to loosen up.

Doctor’s Appointment: I was checked at my last appointment and they said the baby's head was very low and engaged. I'm getting the feeling things will be happening soon. Next appointment is Tuesday.

Movement:I think this little guy is trying to stretch out. I'm feeling feet in my ribs and hips these days.

Gender: Boy boy boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Having days at home with my new little family. Snuggling during the winter months.

What I miss: I can say that I won't miss the rainy half hour commute every morning. Time for a break. I can't wait to meet this baby and introduce him to friends and family.