Friday, August 31, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 29

How far along: 29 Weeks

Baby's size: Acorn Squash. Hmmmmm.... is fall in the air?

  Sleep: OK, I think I'm starting to feel a little anxiety about going back to work. I've had an icrediblly productive summer so far but have been back to my classroom to set up and reality has set in. I have a lot to do to get ready for the year and sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about it.

Food cravings: I caved and had sushi. Luckily there is a sushi restaurant in Portland that caters to pregnant women and makes sure the fish is farmed and safe. It. was. Heaven!

Symptoms I have: Nothing much to report. I get pretty winded when I exercise. I guess you could call that a symptom.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. We will be seeing a new doctor since my last midwife will be having a baby the same week as me. I'm excited to meet a new doctor and like the idea of meeting with several different people with different perspectives.

Movement: It's been fun to actually figure out which body part you can feel. Sometimes I think I feel a foot or knee, and sometimes a little bum.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery completely finished this weekend so I can go back to work knowing we at least have that part finished. I'm also looking forward to setting up our new Bob Jogging stroller. My relatives surprised us with it last weekend at a family reunion. We were planning on finding a used bob on craigslist, but to our surprise we have a new one. I'm really looking forward to getting back into running as soon as possible. I hope the baby likes to jog!

What I miss: I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss drinking beer during football games this fall. The first Oregon game is this weekend and I usually enjoy a beer or two so I don't get overly nervous about the score.

Other: I've made it an entire week without getting emotional about every little thing. Maybe I'm learning to control my wacky hormones. Also... Isn't the shirt in this photo adorable! Kerry found it for me at goodwill and suggested it for a maternity top. I love a thrifty gal!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby Talk :: Cloth Diapering

I know many people may think we're crazy, but we've decided we're going to give cloth diapering our best shot. I have been researching the cloth diaper situation for a couple of months and feel like it might be a good fit for our family. Not to mention, a friend of ours gave us a huge lot of newborn cloth diapers and liners already so we don't want to let her down. :) The cloth diapers in the photos above should last us for the first three months or so, depending on the size of our little bambino. After that we will have to upgrade to something that will grow with him.

Here are some of the reasons I think this system will be good for us.

1. Laundry is one of my favorite chores. I know we will be exhausted when the baby arrives, but after we get settled I'm pretty sure I can get used to frequent washing again.

2. We have a brand new high efficency washer/dryer. They are so fun to use and don't take much water.

3. I'll be on maternity leave for nearly 6 months which gives me ample home time to get a good system going.

4. When I return to work our daycare welcomes cloth diapers. A huge plus!

5. Apparently you save a ton of money not buying disposables and just re-using your cloth diapers.

6. There are so many amazing updated cloth diapering systems out there, as well as blogs and websites to help you select what will work best.

7. Rumor has it, babies who use cloth diapers potty train much faster than those in disposables.

8. I've also heard with cloth diapers you have less blowouts and diaper rash.

9. It would just feel nice to know we are not throwing away a ton of disposables into a landfill.

Before I get on my high horse about this whole idea, I want to state that this is just an idea. Who knows, we may end up thinking it is too much work and disposables are the only thing we can handle. I still feel like we have so many friends doing it successfully that we will be able to figure it out or at least do it partially. I'm pretty sure we will use disposables on occasion, like overnight trips and for a couple of weeks at the beginning. Ivalle is also interested in a  diaper service for the first month or two. We have started to look into it and found some good resources in Portland like Tidee Didee. By no means do I judge anyone who uses disposables. Everyone has different situations and family needs. It is easy to get overwhelmed with options these days.

After looking into the brands and systems out there. (and watching several youtube videos about washing diapers - Thrilling on a Friday night!) We've pretty much settled on fuzzy bunz one size elite pocket diapers as our favorites. These have been recommended by friends because they are easy to use and grow with your child so they don't need to be replaced. We also have been given some bum-genius hand me downs which are very similar I hear. Most cloth diaper users recommend having at least 18-24 diapers if you are doing laundry every other day or every two days. We have also purchased this wet bag for storing the diapers before washing. You can throw it right in the wash with the diapers so it always stays nice and clean. So that about sums up our plans. We are going to do our best. I'm actually really excited to try it all out. I feel so lucky to have so many choices.  Diapering has really changed over the years - choices are good!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 28

How far along: 28 Weeks HELLO THIRD TRIMESTER!!

Baby's size: Eggplant. Fitting since Ivalle made a giant batch of moussaka this week.

  Sleep: Pretty great. I've been trying to practice waking up before 7 so I am ready when school starts. I'm torn between that concept and sleeping as long as I can since these might be the last moments I get to sleep in for the rest of my life.

Food cravings: Pop Corn (This section is pretty ridiculous because I can't tell if these are cravings or if I just really like to eat. Basically I am hungry all of the time but get full really fast. I'm just noting things that taste really good.

Symptoms I have: Still getting a little (a lot) emotional about once a week due to all of the decisions we are going to be making about this wee one's life.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is September 17th. At my last appointment everything was measuring right on track. Oh, and I passed my glucose test!

Movement: Still lots of kicks and movement first thing in the morning.

Gender: Boy Oh Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the living room ready for baby. Ivalle had this brilliant idea to focus on making the living room more kid friendly which involved buying new couches. I was thrilled when he brought it up because he is not usually inspired to re-decorate. We found the perfect couches, a new tv stand with space for some toy boxes, and we are hoping to find a kid friendly rug as well. Possibly Flor carpet tiles.

What I miss: Not much really. Putting on my shoes without propping my feet up on a chair.

Other: I feel absolutely amazing this week. I couldn't be happier and more excited about my little man and my growing family! I have to say, taking these bump photos seemed a little silly at first, but now that I have a bunch under my (expanding) belt, it has been super fun to go back and look at the transition. I'm really glad I did it and can't wait to see the full set at the end.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Book Nook :: Inspiration

I am getting really excited about my story book baby shower in September. Some of my mom's friends organized it and I just think it is a great idea. I love the thought of having a library or reading nook for baby. I could be getting a little ahead of myself since baby will hardly be able to see, much less read for quite some time. But this is part of my nursery plan, and i'm a nesting fool. So I've been gathering some inspiration. I really like the look of the front facing book rails. We just purchased some from ikea and they fit perfectly in a small space behind our door which would be otherwise wasted space. I'm also hoping to put together some kind of tiny bookshelf next to our glider chair for quick book access.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nursery Progress :: About Half Way

This little nursery is finally coming together. We have been really lucky to have recieved so many lovely items from friends and family. The crib is such a treasure. It has been in Ivalle's family since 1899. These photos are just little sneak peeks. I will be posting the big reveal when everything is finished. My goal was to have it all complete before school starts. Here are some lists of what has been done and what is left to do.


Paint walls dark blue
Borrow Rocker from Nicole
Make bunting flags to go with colors
Set up crib
Sew a cloud mobile
Find a vintage dresser to use as changing table
Sew curtains
Find a hanging diaper bag

Still To Do

Hang some type of book rail shelving
Hang shelves above changing table
Hang artwork
Find a nightstand or small table to put near rocker
Figure out mattress for special size crib
Figure out lighting
Purchase room darkening shades
Have Baby!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 27

How far along: 27 Weeks 

Baby's size: Rutabaga - should be over 2 pounds!

  Sleep: It was very HOT in Portland this week. I loved it. I know it's not for everyone, but I happen to be one of those weirdos who actually sleeps well in the heat. We have  a little window shutting, fan blowing, wet washcloth routine, but somehow it works!

Food cravings: Ice Water

Symptoms I have: Nada - Oh,unless you count extremely emotional again. I cried at the Olympics pretty much every time anyone won, lost , or smiled. Just the sight of the torch would put me over the edge.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is August 20th. I also have my glucose test that day. Hopefully I pass, as I have been on a little bit of a sugar kick these days.
Movement: The big kick fits have switched from right before bed to right when I wake up. I even captured some of it on video as you can see all kinds of punching and stretching from the outside now. Fun stuff.

Gender: Boy

What I’m looking forward to: Baby showers. I can't wait to celebrate with friends in the next couple of months.

What I miss: Going all out in aerobics classes. I have been going to body pump, step, and Zumba Class, but have to be really easy on my self and the little guy and be careful with my weight limit and my balance. I still feel really great about exercise though. After our birth class last weekend I'm even more convinced the physical aspects of labor are something you really need physical stamina for. It also helps me mentally prepare. I feel much more relaxed after exercising than before.

Other: We had our first birth class last Saturday and we have another class tomorrow. So far we really like the teacher and topics. It has been really fun to see Ivalle get some coaching in what he can do during the labor and delivery. He has become my coach and I know he is going to be a life saver on the big day.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 26

How far along: 26 Weeks 

Baby's size: Lettuce - Average size is 1.5 to 2.2 lbs!

  Sleep: I'm sleeping fine, I just keep finding things to do late at night and have no incentive to go to bed.

Food cravings: Berries

Symptoms I have: Some back pain, but nothing too extreme. I feel pretty amazing right now.

Doctor’s Appointment: Tomorrow is our first birth class. I'm looking forward to hearing about how to get this little guy out.Next appointment is August 20th.
Movement: Lots of kicks all day long. My mom even got to feel her grandson kick while I was visiting.

Gender: Boy

What I’m looking forward to: Taking the baby on some mini road trips.

What I miss: Not much. I'm pretty content at the moment.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 25

How far along: 25 Weeks 

Baby's size: Cauliflower

  Sleep: Would be great except I keep staying up too late to watch the olympics

Food cravings: Strawberries/Cherries

Symptoms I have: None- Unless you count the constant kicks from the babe

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is August 20th. Ivalle and I start our birth classes next Saturday.

Movement: Lots of kicks in the evening and right before bed.

Gender: Boy

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the nursery. I was sewing curtains all day yesterday. I hope this little guy appreciates my decorating skills :)

What I miss: Running!