Sunday, March 3, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 15 Weeks

 New Favorites: Playing copy cat. We like to dance for Anton and he has picked up some of our moves. He will slap his knees when he sees us do it and he also tries to copy claps. He has become very vocal and has a lot to say.
Eating: He is still a good eater. He was spitting up a lot for a while and now he seems fairly adjusted to larger quantities of milk. He is a loud grunty eater and I'm enjoying nursing him more and more. He looks up at me with a big grin at times. I have a feeling he is going to start getting distracted easily soon.
Sleeping: Naps are still going really well. Three naps a day at fairly consistent times. Night sleeping could be better but I just keep reminding myself that it's temporary. He had a couple of really rough nights this week. I think he's teething already.
Mom and Dad:  I'm really starting to get the hang of this mama role. Loving it more every day. Ivalle is becoming a superstar papa. Anton's eyes light up when he walks through the door.

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