New Favorites: Really making talking sounds ( I thought he was before but now he definitely shows interest in responding to sounds and having a cooing conversation) He smiles occasionally, it melts my heart every time. He is also really cranky lately. I think his little tiny digestive system is finally getting itself figured out.
Eating: He eats a lot. We will have a weight update soon. I am really curious.
Sleeping: 3 hour stretches. He goes right back to sleep after he eats so I'm not complaining.
Milestones: He has been getting better at putting himself to sleep for naps and also falling back to sleep on his own once he wakes up. He usually wakes himself up by punching himself in the face. He has a lot more control of his little arms now so that is happening less. He even holds his hands together occasionally while he sleeps. It is adorable.
Mom and Dad: Mom is still trying to get a handle on the whole nursing thing. Sheesh. It is not easy. We are visiting the lactation coach again for some more advice. He's worth it though. I'm going to power through.
Activities: We are looking forward to some fun family visitors this weekend! And maybe some sunshine too.