Sunday, December 30, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 6 Weeks

 New Favorites: Crying, taking a bath, going for walks in the stroller. This week has been a bit of a challenge. I was diagnosed with hyperlactation and it really threw me for a loop. Finally I realized I just needed to trust my body and trust that Anton would sink up with my milk stash. I think I was getting way to many different types of advice about what to do which ended up giving me a very cranky baby. He was just frustrated and fussy for a couple of days.  Eventually we ended up with a much happier baby and even the beginnings of (dare I say) a sleep routine. Anton also started to really enjoy his bath time. We decided to take a more relaxing approach and just let him soak in the tub instead of really scrubbing him down. After all he is only a baby and really isn't that dirty anyway. We try to do a bath every night and have started putting a drop of lavender oil in the water to help him sleep better. He also loves to go on a long morning stroller ride these days. Actually it's me who enjoys the long walks, he just sleeps the whole time. But its a great way to get in a long morning nap. All in all, we have figured a lot out this week and I am just so thankful that Anton is a normal healthy baby, who cries occasionally but is pretty easy to calm down. This picture just cracks me up so I had to use it as a marker for our week.
Eating: Anton weighs almost 11 pounds now. I am continuing to feed on demand because most doctors say that a growing baby will know when they are hungry and signal what they need, as opposed to the viewpoint that you feed based on a clock schedule. It's working pretty well now and we have an emerging baby led schedule. I've been tracking feedings, and naps on an iphone ap which really helps me figure out his patterns.
Sleeping: He has had good nights and bad this week. He now sleeps 5 or more hours once during the night and then a couple of 2 or 3 hour stretches. I consider this significant progress!
Milestones: He is getting really strong and is almost able to hold his head up.
Mom and Dad: Mom is still consumed with figuring out the nursing situation, but hey, it keeps me on my toes. Also the morning walks are heavenly. We've even been having some sunshine to go along with it.
Activities: We are going to a friends house for new years and are hoping to make it to midnight before we head home. Anton will be with us all snug in his jammies and will hopefully fall asleep in the car on the way home. On new years day we have a hike and some golfing planned. Cheers to 2013! 2012 was pretty awesome!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Anton's Nursery :: 5 weeks in

 After 9 months of preparation this is what Anton's room looks like. Its funny how excited I was for getting it set up when really it becomes a dumping ground for swings and baby soothing devices and is really only used to change diapers right now. Eventually he will be spending more time in this little nest of his.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 5 Weeks

New Favorites: Really making talking sounds ( I thought he was before but now he definitely shows interest in responding to sounds and having a cooing conversation) He smiles occasionally, it melts my heart every time. He is also really cranky lately. I think his little tiny digestive system is finally getting itself figured out.
Eating: He eats a lot. We will have a weight update soon. I am really curious.
Sleeping: 3 hour stretches. He goes right back to sleep after he eats so I'm not complaining.
Milestones: He has been getting better at putting himself to sleep for naps and also falling back to sleep on his own once he wakes up. He usually wakes himself up by punching himself in the face. He has a lot more control of his little arms now so that is happening less. He even holds his hands together occasionally while he sleeps. It is adorable.
Mom and Dad: Mom is still trying to get a handle on the whole nursing thing. Sheesh. It is not easy. We are visiting the lactation coach again for some more advice. He's worth it though. I'm going to power through.
Activities: We are looking forward to some fun family visitors this weekend! And maybe some sunshine too.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 4 Weeks

 New Favorites: Looking at this fancy pillow on the couch, riding in the car (sometimes)
Eating: like a champ!
Sleeping: Every time I think I have this figured out he throws me a curve ball.
Milestones: Here come the smiles! I have also noticed some new sounds.
Mom and Dad: Mom is getting used to driving in the car with Anton. I'm a lady on the go so this little fella needs to get used to some outings. Dad is really great at some special shhhhshing techniques.
Activities: This weekend we are going to another holiday party. And relaxing...together as a family. Holding each other tightly. So much tragedy in the world this week. And so close to home. Our thoughts go out to families of the victims of gun violence.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Grandma Bette

Anton is infatuated with Grandma Bette. We are so lucky she lives so close and loves to visit us often!

Grandmas are for stories
about things of long ago.

Grandmas are for caring
about all the things you know...

Grandmas are for rocking you
and singing you to sleep.

Grandmas are for giving you
nice memories to keep...

Grandmas are for knowing
all the things you're dreaming of...

But, most importantly of all,
Grandmas are for love.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 We've been having so many friends stop by to take a peek at Anton. It's really great to see everyone and if we're lucky they might even get to see hime while his big eyes are open. We love our visitors!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lifesaver :: Ergo

So it turns out every day is different. Yesterday was dreamy and today the little man wanted to be carried all day long. Thank goodness for this awesome device. And thanks to my brother and his wife for gifting it to us. I'm pretty sure I walked a several miles today without even leaving this 800 sq ft house. Eventually we went for a little drive in the car and sure enough, nap time:) I'm still getting to know this little guy and trying all of this new gear out is pretty entertaining. I'm glad he likes this carrier. I'm just hoping for some sunshine so we can get out of the house a bit more.

Monday, December 10, 2012

First day on the job!

 Today is our first day on our own as mother and son! So far we've had a great day. Anton worked really hard at catching those dangling bugs this morning and even sat quietly in his seat to let mom take a shower. After some lunch we went for a nice sunny walk in the stroller with no tears and then back home for nap time while mom works on christmas card design. So far I like this job! I've got a pretty great co-worker.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Aunt Ivi ::

Aunt Ivi lives in Germany and we wish we could see her more often. Anton is really excited to meet her this summer. I know because he tells me every day! Come visit us Aunt Ivi. We miss you!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 3 Weeks

 New Favorites: Walks in the ergo carrier, Fake crying, lying on back looking around the room
Eating: Getting very comfortable with his eating routine. Wishing he wouldn't get so hungry several times a night.
Sleeping: He really likes his morning nap and late afternoon nap. At night he has decided getting up every two hours is pretty fun.
Milestones: Getting used to self soothing without always being swaddled.
Mom and Dad: Mom is loving getting out of the house once or twice a day for a short walk. Dad has a cold and is looking forward to getting well so he can get back to snuggle time.
Activities: Anton is planning to attend his first holiday party this weekend and has been hosting many visitors this week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A visit from GramPam

Anton is one lucky little baby! His Grandma Pam has been visiting this week and giving him lots of snuggle time. She's also helping his mama figure out how to use all of the baby carriers and stroller devices to get some fresh air and get out of the house a bit. Not to mention we are being spoiled with delicious meals! Thanks GramPam.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Anton's Updates :: 2 Weeks

New Favorites: Being awake, Looking at hands, Using a pacifier.
Eating: Anton still eats every 2-3 hours. He has already gained a pound! He really loves eating.
Sleeping: Since he is gaining weight and doing well the doctor said we no longer need to wake him every two hours to feed. He's sleeping 3-3.5 hour stretches at night which is a nice change. 
Milestones: We've gone on a short rainy walk with the ergo carrier, several car and stroller rides, and he has even attended two dinner parties. Such a social butterfly!
Mom and Dad: Ivalle went back to work this morning. :( Anton and I miss having him around, but it will be nice to figure out our routine. Grandma Pam is in town to help us with the transition. We are very thankful!
Activities: We have a well baby appointment tomorrow. We are also planning some long walks since mama is finally feeling better!
Other: The dream catcher and turtle in the photos are very special handmade gifts from a co-worker. She is native american and gave these two items to Anton with special instructions about the traditions and materials used. The dream catcher is used to protect him from nightmares and give him peaceful sleep. The turtle actually holds his umbilical cord and will bring him good luck if kept near him in his nursery. I loved this gift. Such a thoughtful treasure.