Monday, July 30, 2012

Bumpdate :: Week 24

How far along: 24 Weeks 

Baby's size: Cantaloupe

  Sleep: Amazing! I'm usually a horrible sleeper and right now I'm sleeping like a champ. 

Food cravings: Peaches, Frozen Yogurt

Food aversions: None

Symptoms I have: NESTING!, some aches in my back if I sit for very long.

Doctor’s Appointment: Last Monday. Everything was great and it was fun to hear his little heartbeat again. I also found out my midwife is pregnant and due the same week as me so I'll be switching soon. Next appointment is August 20th.

Movement: Lots of kicks in the evening and right before bed.

Gender: Boy

What I’m looking forward to: Doing art and science projects with this little man. And taking him camping. I'm starting to get a little ahead of myself I think.

What I miss: A cold glass of white wine.