Anton's reaction to Theo has been really sweet. He was very excited to see him at the hospital and was thrilled that Theo gave him a scooter. Once the scooter was presented, his little brother was old news and the scooter was all he could think about. When he returned home to go on a scooter ride he proudly announced to neighbors that his little brother Theo got him this cool scooter. Since we brought Theo home, Anton has been very patient aside from getting frustrated with Theo when he cries during his shows. Theo sleeps a lot which helps, and I can tell Anton is wondering when this little brother will be able to play with him like we promised. We captured a sweet little video of when they first met. I'm hoping they turn out to be good buddies.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Theo's Birth Story
Portland has had an unseasonably hot summer this year. Theo decided to arrive on a very rare cool and rainy July evening. We had scheduled a C-section on July 30th and I had that date set since we found out we were having a baby. I was looking forward to being able to schedule babysitters and make plans based on that date. Theo had other plans.
My parents arrived on Sunday afternoon with the intention of staying for the week to help us prepare for Theo's arrival. We all settled down to a nice dinner when I noticed a couple of smallish cramps in my belly. I didn't think much of it or say anything right away, we were just all enjoying each others company and having some good family time. It had been raining off and on that day and Anton was excited about putting his boots on and jumping in puddles, so off he went with daddy on an evening puddle jumping walk through the neighborhood.
Meanwhile my mom and I decided we would make a grocery list to finish up our freezer meals and get some supplies before the big day. I still kept having little cramps here and there but really didn't think much of it until the boys got back from their walks and started getting ready for bed. I decided to lay down and time the contractions. Sure enough they were lasting about a minute and coming every three or four minutes. I went back downstairs and told my mom I didn't think we should go to the grocery store and that I was going to finish packing my hospital bag just in case. After Ivalle put Anton to bed and we told him goodnight, I mentioned to Ivalle that I might be in labor. He and I laid down on the bed and rested while we timed the contractions. By now they were getting uncomfortable and he had to help me breathe through a couple. I called the hospital and they suggested I come in to check on things. We quickly packed our bags and headed downstairs to let the grandparents know what was going on. I felt like I had barely had a chance to tell them how to take care of Anton. I had planned to write everything out and help get some meals ready at least.
We got in the car and headed to the hospital. I think Ivalle finally realized it was the real deal when he saw me wincing through contractions on the way to the hospital. When we arrived, we checked in and were sent to triage to get confirmation that I was in real labor. When the doctor checked me she was shocked that I was already 6 cm dilated and the baby was coming fast. They mentioned that they might not be able to do the c-section due to the fact that I had just eaten dinner and I about flipped out! Not only was my calm scheduled c-section not happening, I might have to have the baby the old fashioned way. I wish that was an option, but after my terrible recovery from a stage four tear with Anton, it was recommended that I have a c-section to keep things in good condition. Finally the surgeon and anesthesiologist agreed to do the c-section.
By now I was laboring really hard and actually started singing songs to get through each contraction. It was really a funny method of coping with pain, but we didn't really do any pain management planning since I wasn't planning to have to do any laboring at all. The nurses were really supportive and enjoyed my singing when I had contractions. I asked why they were hurting so bad since I didn't remember it being so bad when I had Anton, and the doctor reminded me that I had an epidural at 4 cm with Anton and had never gotten to that level of labor before.
We had only been there about an hour while they prepped me but it seemed like a long time. They were all really rushing me since by the time we got to the operating room I was about 8 cm and could probably had the baby within thirty minutes or so. Ivalle was given his scrubs and got all dressed and ready for the operating room and they wheeled me into the most amazing room with really bright lights and doctors and nurses everywhere. Some people don't like this kind of environment, but it made me feel really safe and comfortable. They put me on the table, gave me a shot in my back while I sang through one or two last contractions and then all of a sudden my body was numb and I was laying on the operating table.
It was all happening really fast and I finally felt calm and relaxed. Apparently Ivalle was feeling dizzy and uneasy and they had to bring him a chair. It must have been five minutes later when we heard the sweetest little cry and the saw the doctor pop this little tiny baby body up over the curtain to say hello to us. He looked big and healthy and had a nice little cry. They put him on my chest right away and we got to have some snuggle time while they stitched me up. It all happened less than three hours after we arrived at the hospital. It was such a rush. He was snuggled up with me until I was ready to be moved to the recovery room where they checked him out and gave me a chance to sit up and gain feeling back in my legs. We called family and sent out messages about our sweet little bundle Theo William Noel. He was really mellow and snuggly from the very start.
I was very happy with the way he came into the world. I wasn't expecting to deal with the labor pains but the doctors told me it is very good for babies to go through the process and its also nice to know he came when he was ready instead of just a date picked by us. I know most people wouldn't prefer a c-section, but I was just happy to have Theo the best way for my body this time around. I am glad I had a chance to deliver Anton without a c-section, but the way he was positioned in the birth canal left me with about 6 months of recovery and I just didn't want to risk that again while caring for two babies. My doctors were really amazing with putting me back together again after that and they advised that I deliver with a c-section the next time instead. I was pleasantly surprised at how quick, easy, and painless the process was. I even feel like the recovery has been a lot less stressful already. Theo is a wonderful addition to our family, no matter how he came into the world. I am glad I've had a chance to jot this story down so I don't forget the special details of the day he came into our lives. July 26th was a very special day and we are so happy to have Theo in our family!

My parents arrived on Sunday afternoon with the intention of staying for the week to help us prepare for Theo's arrival. We all settled down to a nice dinner when I noticed a couple of smallish cramps in my belly. I didn't think much of it or say anything right away, we were just all enjoying each others company and having some good family time. It had been raining off and on that day and Anton was excited about putting his boots on and jumping in puddles, so off he went with daddy on an evening puddle jumping walk through the neighborhood.
Meanwhile my mom and I decided we would make a grocery list to finish up our freezer meals and get some supplies before the big day. I still kept having little cramps here and there but really didn't think much of it until the boys got back from their walks and started getting ready for bed. I decided to lay down and time the contractions. Sure enough they were lasting about a minute and coming every three or four minutes. I went back downstairs and told my mom I didn't think we should go to the grocery store and that I was going to finish packing my hospital bag just in case. After Ivalle put Anton to bed and we told him goodnight, I mentioned to Ivalle that I might be in labor. He and I laid down on the bed and rested while we timed the contractions. By now they were getting uncomfortable and he had to help me breathe through a couple. I called the hospital and they suggested I come in to check on things. We quickly packed our bags and headed downstairs to let the grandparents know what was going on. I felt like I had barely had a chance to tell them how to take care of Anton. I had planned to write everything out and help get some meals ready at least.
We got in the car and headed to the hospital. I think Ivalle finally realized it was the real deal when he saw me wincing through contractions on the way to the hospital. When we arrived, we checked in and were sent to triage to get confirmation that I was in real labor. When the doctor checked me she was shocked that I was already 6 cm dilated and the baby was coming fast. They mentioned that they might not be able to do the c-section due to the fact that I had just eaten dinner and I about flipped out! Not only was my calm scheduled c-section not happening, I might have to have the baby the old fashioned way. I wish that was an option, but after my terrible recovery from a stage four tear with Anton, it was recommended that I have a c-section to keep things in good condition. Finally the surgeon and anesthesiologist agreed to do the c-section.
By now I was laboring really hard and actually started singing songs to get through each contraction. It was really a funny method of coping with pain, but we didn't really do any pain management planning since I wasn't planning to have to do any laboring at all. The nurses were really supportive and enjoyed my singing when I had contractions. I asked why they were hurting so bad since I didn't remember it being so bad when I had Anton, and the doctor reminded me that I had an epidural at 4 cm with Anton and had never gotten to that level of labor before.
We had only been there about an hour while they prepped me but it seemed like a long time. They were all really rushing me since by the time we got to the operating room I was about 8 cm and could probably had the baby within thirty minutes or so. Ivalle was given his scrubs and got all dressed and ready for the operating room and they wheeled me into the most amazing room with really bright lights and doctors and nurses everywhere. Some people don't like this kind of environment, but it made me feel really safe and comfortable. They put me on the table, gave me a shot in my back while I sang through one or two last contractions and then all of a sudden my body was numb and I was laying on the operating table.
It was all happening really fast and I finally felt calm and relaxed. Apparently Ivalle was feeling dizzy and uneasy and they had to bring him a chair. It must have been five minutes later when we heard the sweetest little cry and the saw the doctor pop this little tiny baby body up over the curtain to say hello to us. He looked big and healthy and had a nice little cry. They put him on my chest right away and we got to have some snuggle time while they stitched me up. It all happened less than three hours after we arrived at the hospital. It was such a rush. He was snuggled up with me until I was ready to be moved to the recovery room where they checked him out and gave me a chance to sit up and gain feeling back in my legs. We called family and sent out messages about our sweet little bundle Theo William Noel. He was really mellow and snuggly from the very start.
I was very happy with the way he came into the world. I wasn't expecting to deal with the labor pains but the doctors told me it is very good for babies to go through the process and its also nice to know he came when he was ready instead of just a date picked by us. I know most people wouldn't prefer a c-section, but I was just happy to have Theo the best way for my body this time around. I am glad I had a chance to deliver Anton without a c-section, but the way he was positioned in the birth canal left me with about 6 months of recovery and I just didn't want to risk that again while caring for two babies. My doctors were really amazing with putting me back together again after that and they advised that I deliver with a c-section the next time instead. I was pleasantly surprised at how quick, easy, and painless the process was. I even feel like the recovery has been a lot less stressful already. Theo is a wonderful addition to our family, no matter how he came into the world. I am glad I've had a chance to jot this story down so I don't forget the special details of the day he came into our lives. July 26th was a very special day and we are so happy to have Theo in our family!

Saturday, August 1, 2015
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