New Favorites: Crawling!!! He has figured it out and is now all over the place. So far this phase has been really fun. He has been really good about staying near his toys and not venturing too far around the house. We did head out to purchase some baby gates and plug covers though.
Eating: He is loving his handmade pouches and has started to really enjoy teething biscuits. Tooth two has broken through and the tough biscuits have seemed to soothe him lately.
Sleeping: He did a great job when dad needed to do bedtime for a couple of nights in a row. Occasionally he wakes in the night, but it is random and not too often. He still goes down around 7 and we wake him at 6:15.
Milestones: Crawling.
Mom and Dad: Busy busy at work, and savoring the weekends with our little crawler. We've been making the most of these super warm October days.