New Favorites: Making funny faces. He has really been hamming it up with faces and sounds lately. He loves to scrunch his face up and squint especially when I pick him up from daycare.
Eating: This kid hasn't met a food he didn't like. Our pediatrician assured us that we aren't over feeding him and he is a healthy size. I've even noticed him thinning out a bit since he's getting more and more active..
Sleeping: He's still on 11 hours at night and 2 naps a day. Sometimes the second nap is in the car though.
Milestones: I've decided to switch him to size 5 diapers at night. It's a bit crazy considering diapers only go up to size 6.
Mom and Dad: Grading is piling up on my desk. I've been using my home office for an hour or so in the evenings to catch up while Anton and Daddy have some quality playtime.