Oh goodness! I'm soooo behind on these updates. I've got about three weeks to catch up on. I guess the move has taken more time and energy than I had planned. We are feeling pretty settled now and trying to enjoy the last couple weeks of summer. Glorious summer!
New Favorites: New spaces to explore. Walking up and down stairs with mama.
Eating: Getting really good at picking up all kinds of finger foods. His favorites are blueberries, beans, and little bits of cherries.
Sleeping: He has been such a trooper transitioning to the new house. He sleeps from 7 to 7 most nights. We both caught the sniffles during the move, but he's bouncing back quickly. Naps are still twice a day for 1.5 hours each.
Milestones: Starting to make more progress on his "creeping" skills.
Mom and Dad: Just trying to get the house set up.
*These pictures were the last ones taken in the old house. The new house has so many great spots to snap photos. We get great light and a lot more sunshine......when it's out:)