New Favorites: Anton has has almost completed his second week at daycare. He is doing a great job. He especially likes the 30 minute commute each day. In the mornings he sings to me the entire way and on the way home he takes a nice long nap.
Eating: He has started eating rice cereal twice a day. I know it's a bit earlier than the recommended 6 months but he really seems ready and so far he's doing well. It's also a nice way to keep him filled up while I'm not able to feed him during the day. I still go into the daycare to feed him 3 times daily.
Sleeping: Night sleeping is getting much better. He usually goes to bed around 6:30 at night and wakes at 11:00 and 4:00. Sometimes he wakes a bit more, but I'm still grateful he goes right back to sleep without much fuss.
Milestones: He is working on sitting up and has mastered tummy time.
Mom and Dad: We are getting used to the new schedule and loving our happy cute baby!