Friday, April 12, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 21 Weeks

New Favorites: Anton has has almost completed his second week at daycare. He is doing a great job. He especially likes the 30 minute commute each day. In the mornings he sings to me the entire way and on the way home he takes a nice long nap.
Eating: He  has started eating rice cereal twice a day. I know it's a bit earlier than the recommended 6 months but he really seems ready and so far he's doing well. It's also a nice way to keep him filled up while I'm not able to feed him during the day. I still go into the daycare to feed him 3 times daily.
Sleeping: Night sleeping is getting much better. He usually goes to bed around 6:30 at night and wakes at 11:00 and 4:00. Sometimes he wakes a bit more, but I'm still grateful he goes right back to sleep without much fuss.
Milestones: He is working on sitting up and has mastered tummy time.
Mom and Dad: We are getting used to the new schedule and loving our happy cute baby!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 20 Weeks

 Well well well..... Anton is a big boy these days. He has completed an entire week of daycare and has made is mama and papa proud. I am so happy with our daycare set up. We are so lucky to have a infant/toddler center and pre-school where I work. It was a bit rough the first two days since Anton had never really been away from me for more than an hour or two since he was born. But by the second day, I walked in and he was fully immersed in his surroundings and couldn't get enough of the toys and kids around him. I was a bit worried since he has been on a bottle strike for over a month now, but luckily I'm able to feed him on my breaks and at lunch time. I really enjoy going to visit him every chance I get. I am happy to be back to work with my students, but my little man is always on my mind.
New Favorites: He is growing so fast and trying all sorts of new devices at daycare. One time I walked in and didn't even recognize him because he was in one of those exer-saucers that looks like its for a big kid. He is also experimenting with all kinds of sounds. He is very vocal and proud of his sounds. They can be very loud.
Eating: We've started feeding him a bit of rice cereal in the evenings since he is almost five months old and seemed ready for it. He stares at all of the other kids at daycare lined up in their highchairs and he is close to sitting on his own. I have to admit, I'm also excited to have a use for all of the pumped breast milk I had stocked up hoping he would take a bottle. Now we just mix it with a bit of rice cereal and he still gets the nutrition from the milk.
Sleeping: Sleeping at night still has its ups and downs. Sometimes he sleeps for a couple of five hour stretches and sometimes he is up several times a night. I think he is teething and might be uncomfortable at times. His day sleeping is great! I can't believe the daycare workers can get him to sleep so well. He is still taking three naps a day for them even though it can be a bit loud and chaotic in there. They have a cute little nap room with little cribs lined up with each child's name on them. I also get to put him down myself a lot of the time when I go in during lunch or breaks to nurse.
Milestones:I'd say being a big daycare boy is a pretty big milestone. This kid is so adorable and so much fun to be around these days. He is a bundle of smiles and giggles. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Anton's Updates :: 19 Weeks

 Goodness I'm starting to get behind on my posts. 
I'm going to try to talk about week 19 when really week 20 is on my mind.
New Favorites: Anton is starting to really notice the cats. He hears them meow and stares at them when they walk by.
Eating: Not much to report. We are trying to get him back on a bottle so he can take one at daycare but so far no luck. I'm really kicking myself for not keeping up with at least one bottle a day.
Sleeping: He was a great napper this week. It's a lot of work but I was able to get him on a nearly perfect nap schedule with 3 naps a day. At night he has been waking 3 times to eat. 
Milestones: He was the ring bearer for our friends Chris and Kerry. He did a great job at many special events over the weekend and even wore some fancy outfits without much fuss.
Mom and Dad: We are just loving this little boy so much! He is such a good little boy and cracks us up with his smiles and giggles.